martes, 30 de enero de 2024


 El Rotary club de Flores, envio imagenes para participar de este concurso de arte , organizado por el Rotary club of Sinhgad Road, D.3131 INDIA.

(Alumnos de las profesoras, Graciela Lopez y Roxana Rignola)

Nutan Lodha envio imagenes de alumnos de las escuelas de arte de ese distrito.

las que fueron presentadas en el Marco del Foro de Agrupaciones Rotarias que se realizo en la sede del Rotary club de Flores. D. 4895.

El proyecto fue liderado por:
Project Head,


Rotary International District 3131

Rotary Club of Sinhgad Road


Thank you for showing interest in your project.
The main objectives of this project is:

1.To provide an International platform for exhibition of drawings and paintings providing solutions to global issues

2.To promote art interest among young students

3.Develop friendly relations among countries by understanding culture through art work.

Time frames

The painting in India shall be ready for dispatch in first week of february 2019.

We shall be sending the drawings and paintings in physical form.However drawing in both physical and electronic form are welcome to be displayed in India.

Age group

We shall be targeting mostly students from age 5 to 21.However we are welcoming entries from other age group categories too.

Size and quantity of artwork

37cms X 27cms

We shall be selecting ten entries from each group who shall be declared as winners.There are 7 categories as per age group.We are also inviting multiple entries from a single participant.Apart from these 2000 drawing shall be selected for the exhibition.
Muchas gracias.

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